Professionals Supervision Group on Sex and Psychedelics

This group is dated and is no longer occurring. If you are interested in my next psychedelic group offering, please consider the Sexual Wellness Microdose Cohort – Application link –


Contemplating Sex and Psychedelics is a monthly meet-up group for those with a current client based. We meet to support each other in maintaining ethical practices and share wisdom from our work. This group is hosted by two trauma informed intimacy specialists with psychedelic therapy training and experience.

Contemplating Sex & Psychedelics: Peer Group Supervision for Professionals at the Intersection of Sex & Psychedelics

If you would like to be added to our list to be notified about our next meet up date and time – please email Lorina and I at .

Our intention

Receive inspiration, witnessing and support from fellow practitioners as we cultivate clarity to more skillfully navigate the intersection of sex and psychedelics in our healing practices. This group offers a rich, non-shaming space for professionals who want to expand their ability to support clients sexual wellbeing as psychedelics are becoming more commonly used.

For whom

This supervision group is for psychedelics therapists, sexperts, ceremonialists, health practitioners, counselors and coaches either working directly or in-directly with clients in the space where sexual healing and psychedelics meet. You are welcome to join us in co-creating more consciousness at this intersection.

Link to group event registration

Why this offering

While there are many trainings and spaces to learn about the topics of sexual positivity, and psychedelics, these two taboo topics are often not addressed in the same space. This confidential space for professionals will offer insight from seasoned sex positive, trauma informed practitioners for those practitioners who are navigating these arenas with their clients.

What to expect

Each 90 min online supervision gathering of 6-12 practitioners will start with a short presentation to prime the field with a theme for contemplation. We will then open it up for 3-4 more focused case study presentations for practitioners to ask questions and receive support. This is be followed by a more open question and answer period. We will complete with some networking and acknowledgements.

Who is offering this

This space will be facilitated by Lorina Manzanita MA, SEP and Annie Boheler SEP. Both are Somatic Experiencing Practitioners, Somatica Sex and Relationship Coaches and trained facilitators of medicine work. They will provide support, facilitation and guidance to help us stay present, integrated and compassionately engaged as we dive deep into arenas many professional spaces won’t touch.

About you

Since we want to keep this container focused on the needs of those with active professional practices we will be asking some questions to ensure a good fit. Please fill out this form upon registration.


We meet monthly and if you would like to be on our list to be notified of our next session please email us

Cost $30 Where Online via Zoom – Link to group event registration

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