Microdosing, to dip or not to dip your toes in the water?
(estimated 5 minutes read time)
Microdosing has become a gateway format for ingesting psychedelics that has become widespread in the last five or so years. Microdosing is the practice of taking a sub perceptual amount of a psychedelic (typically 1/10th to 1/20th of a full journey dose), commonly psilocybin mushrooms, that can support overall wellbeing. For reference, an average full journey dose to start with will be around 3.5 grams of dried fruiting body mushroom. This fraction of a trip dose allows for the adaptogenic effects to support one’s unique physiological or psychological needs without causing hallucinations or other major perception changes. From the ‘Moms on Mushrooms’ feature on Fox News to university research, microdosing has gone from a concept mostly familiar in underground spaces to something you might overhear a neighbor at a cafe sharing about.
According to science direct¹, there were 44 research studies that were published on microdosing between 1955 and 2021. Since behavioral science research contains so many variables and biases, especially with a practice that can be spaced out over two to four weeks, there has been a lot of back and forth conversation around microdosing simply acting as a placebo. I, of course, as a professional psychonaut, am biased around psychedelics as they have always worked well for me and, generally speaking, personal experience trumps all. One of the underlying lessons from the psychedelic experience is to realize our personal growth or health cannot and will not be standardized. Not all pharmaceuticals, herbs, medicines or even foods are for everyone. Psychedelics, whether taken in micro, mecro or macro doses, help us to get to know ourselves better, if we should choose to embark, and that ‘getting to know’ can begin with how we approach psychedelics from the start.
I have supported many folks exploring psychedelics for the first time ever in their lives. I often get the question nowadays, “How do I know if I should try microdosing or a full journey if I am new to psychedelics?”. Usually the answer is two parts; one, a general screening around mental, emotional and physical health can support this decision and two, I will give the analogy of the pool.
When you go to get in a pool, are you the type of person to dip your toes in the water or go straight to jumping in the deep end?
This framing can help one orient around the general experience and foundational emotions to this visceral adventure. Also, there are many people who have some experience with psychedelics and simply want to try a new way of exploring.
The whys and hows of microdosing will vary not only from person to person but also from one microdosing round to another. I might take a microdose for several weeks to support me moving through some grief while at other times I may use them to support creative output for my garden and farm projects. The dose can also vary widely, especially from person to person. For some, 25 mg or 0.025 g might be a perfect micro while for others 500 mg or 0.5 g will be ideal. For me, 100 mg or 0.1 g is right where I want it for an average day where I might be doing any normal activity such as work. This dose is also representative of that average, 1/10th or 3.5 g, full journey dose. On a day off of work, or for a night out on the town, 200 mg or 0.2 g can be such a delight. For frequency, I usually recommend starting with one day on, two days off to start. Once you have done this for two to four weeks maximum, take a longer break, at least several weeks. It is really important to take regular short breaks during and regular longer breaks after a round. This is because chronic microdosing can lead to wear and tear on the heart valves due to affinity for psilocin to bind to the serotonin 2B receptor (5HT2B). Over time, this could lead to valvular heart disease (VHD). There is a lot of research still to be done around this but we do know that everything in moderation tends to work alright especially when we are continuously refocusing on listening to our own bodies.
It is with a compassionate and strong urge I advise people to treat psychedelics, and all of nature for that matter, with reverence regardless of the dose. Whether you are getting ready for a therapeutic trip, an Ayahuasca ceremony, or a supported day at work with a microdose, we need to have humility and care around our relationship with medicines and all of the non-human world. This reminder is helpful too because even at a smaller dose, big emotions can arise. A characteristic of the psychedelic experience is a lack of predictability and this can be true for micros as well. Please always be careful and get support from a qualified professional or experienced friend when choosing your own adventure. If you are completely new to this realm, using the buddy system is advised for the dosing day itself.
I am wishing you fruitful journeys and safe trips. If you are at all interested in this subject and wanting to dive in deeper, please consider the Sexual Wellness Microdosing 8 week Cohort beginning in January 2025. This is a private group that includes both one on one support and peer group sessions. Please click the link to learn more and for details on the group. For those who wish to use microdosing to support sexual health, body image, intimacy work or their romantic lives, this group is for you. Please reach out with any questions at bohelerlovage@gmail.com, or the contact page, and I look forward to hearing from you.

- The emerging science of microdosing: A systematic review of research on low dose psychedelics (1955–2021) and recommendations for the field – Science Direct
- Self-Rated Effectiveness of Microdosing With Psychedelics for Mental and Physical Health Problems Among Microdosers – National Library of Medicine
- Adults who microdose psychedelics report health related motivations and lower levels of anxiety and depression compared to non-microdosers – Nature